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Saturday 8 January 2011

Whilst i was putting on my make up the other week, as part of my new years revolution i discovers something about my self and about all my new years revolutions. I looked in my mirror whilst applying my lipstick as thought to myself why am i doing this, I'm putting a mask of makeup on to cover the way i look when i should be embrassing my look and not caring about the way i look or if it affects other people they can stuff them self and not bover to talk to me again! As another new years revolution i wanted to loss weight, i thought to my self today why am i wanting to lose weight and i realized that all the sly comments i get and when people call me fat, do they realize a little part of me tries to put it to the said and act all confident and not care when they don't understand it putt's me down and they don't think that i know i look terrible and i can't look as good as other people but at least I'm happy about my self. But when i walk down the corridor and hear these people say these thing's i just feel hatrid and ugly and my friends don't make it better by giving me nicknames or saying they need to lose weight when I'm obviously bigger than everyone! I just really wanted to say that this year i've made these revolution and said yerh i want to do them but i dont and my revolutions aint effecting me there effecting the people around me, so from today im going to say i dont care what people say about me and no im not going to stick to my revolutions im going to try and be healthier and open up to people and if people dont think other wise fu bye.


  1. oh babe, whyy didn't you say it pts you down, dont worry i get it too, it takes the fucking piss, just be who you want to be your amazing <3 alika xxx

  2. Your beautiful the way you are ;)
