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Tuesday 15 March 2011


so my little people :) i want to talk about life and the things i've recently though about changing, yesterday whilst i was trying to sleep i had a think about what i sleep like. I'v been told
i move alot, snore and sleep on my side. SO i though i'd try sleeping on my back as it stop's people from snoring. Yesterday night whilst i was in bed i though i'd try it out and in fact it basically woke me up more and i lay-ed there 10 minutes flat and it was impossible to sleep. I dont understand how people do it wowzers!
I was watching 'Eat Pray Love' Saturday night and it was about a women who was getting board of her life, she found a guru in china who told her she will lose everything but then gain it all back when she comes back and sees him in as year. She decided to take his advice and divorce her husband, but she was seeing a guy so she split up with his too. she visited 3 country's. She meets new people are friends and a guy, she changes her life but dont go with the guy cause shes scared he'll change her plans, but later on she goes to the guru for the last time and says she needs to be with him cause sometime changing plans are for the best. Its a gr
eat film but a bit boring at the start.
Yerh and the film kinda inspired me to change, I'v started doing 20 minutes of meditation a day, save my money, listen to classical music and give me less needed items to charity. I'v just though i take life for granted and buy materialistic things to look better or because everyone has it. I just want to keep my life healthy and use the natures riches (including my laptop) oh and also im thinking of giving my phone away/selling and giving some off the money to someone that needs it :/ idk i just want to stay positive and live healthy and keep away from all negative things. Im also going to stop watching Tv programs because they influnce people to do bad things and make people more stereotypical. I think alot of people should do this as well because it will make them a better person!
BY THE WAY today in music i was painting my nails and i kinda am loving strawberries at the moment so i though i'd draw them like them and here's how they turn
ed out, quiet proud of my self considering this is my first attempt. LOVES OF LOVE MINI-ANS^_^

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